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Epimorfotiki Kilkis


Vocational Training Center (VTC) "Epimorfotiki Kilkis single member llc" was founded in 1995 and specializes on modern Vocational Training and Lifelong Learning (LLL), as well as advanced Consultative & Supportive Services, which aim at continually promoting sustainable development of Kilkis Prefecture, the business activity and the development of local human resources.The VTC's team consists of 10 employees with long experience and profound knowledge in the field of Vocational Training, LLL and Consultancy. In addition to the permanent staff of executives, it has also developed a wide network of associates, which includes a quality counsultant, adults' trainers, counsels of vocational orientation and human resources, counsels of continuous local development, ICT. Etc.


Since 2014 Epimorfotiki Kilkis has received licensing as CENTER FOR LIFELONG LEARNING LEVEL 2 (KE.DI.VI.M.2) by the National Organization for the Certification of Qualifications and Vocational Guidance (EOPPEP).


The main areas of activity of Epimorfotiki Kilkis single member llc are the following: 
1.Vocational Training Programmes addressed to: unemployed, enterprises' employees and Special Groups of Population; in areas such as IT, E-commerce, Project Management, Environment, Greek Language, etc., financed by EU and National funds, and/or self-financed. 
2. Activities for the promotion of Employment: 
3. Implementation and Management of LLL activities, in particular E-Learning services
4. Providing Consultative and Supportive Services to Enterprises, L.A. Associations, in matters of Structural Funds and Funding Opportunities within EU programmes

5. Research and studies relative to the continual local development and the human resource of the Prefecture of Kilkis

6. Participation in Integrated European Initiatives, co-funded by EU: - Indicatively

7. Design, Implementation and Management of Training Courses, Workshops and Events in Cyprus, approved and granted by the "Human Resource Development of Cyprus" (AnAD)


Epimorfotiki Kilkis in numbers

-employs 10 people

-operates two Structures

-250 Training programs for over 5,000 people and 40,000 hours of training, in ICT, Environmental protection, Rural Development, Tourism, Health & Safety, etc.

-50 training programs, workshops and seminars in Cyprus, with the approval and subsidization of the Human Resource Development Authority (HRDA) and the cooperation of other agencies

-30 Transnational cooperation projects funded by the EU (Leonardo, Grundtvig, Minerva, Lingua, Interreg III, Environment, Culture, Youth, etc.)

-12 Research and studies related to sustainable local development and human resources development

-5 studies on labor employment market

-15 Local & Regional Action Plans for Employment - Integrated Interventions Support etc.

Local & Regional Action Plans for Employment etc.

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